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Hillsdale Elementary

Home of The Huskies

Hillsdale Elementary

Home of The Huskies

School Site Council & ELAC

what the english learner advisory council (ELAC) does

what the english learner advisory council (ELAC) does

The purpose of the ELAC is to provide parents of English Learners with opportunities to: 

  • Learn more about the programs offered to their children.
  • Participate in the schools’ needs assessment of students, parents, and teachers. 
  • Provide input to the principal and school staff on the most positive and effective strategies for teaching English Learners. 
  • Provide input on the most effective ways to support full participation of English Learners in all school activities.
  • Provide input on the most effective ways to ensure regular school attendance. 
  • Have representation at the district level by the attendance of elected officials at the District English Language Advisory Council (DELAC) meetings.
ELAC Meeting Dates and Agenda

ELAC Meeting Dates and Agenda

Meeting Dates:
September 20th - 8:30 am - Cafeteria
October 18th - 8:30 am - Cafeteria
January 31st - 8:30 am - Cafeteria 
April 24th - 8:30 am - Cafeteria 
What the school site council does 

What the school site council does 

California Education Code 52852 requires that a school site council shall be established at each school that participates in Title I or Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) supplemental/concentration grant funding. The school site council shall be composed of the principal and representatives of teachers selected by teachers at the school; other school personnel selected by other school personnel at the school; parents of pupils attending the school selected by the parents; and, in secondary schools, pupils selected by pupils attending the school.

The school site council meets regularly to complete the following activities:
  • Elect officers
  • Develop/revise by-law (optional)
  • Advise the annual revision of the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
  • Recommend the annual revisions to the SPSA for Board approval
  • Approve revisions to the site categorical budget and SPSA
  • Monitor the implementation of the site's categorical budget and activities in the SPSA
  • Annually evaluate the activities in the approved SPSA
school site council bylaws

school site council bylaws

School Site Council dates and agenda

School Site Council dates and agenda

Meeting Dates: 
September 27th, 3 pm - zoom
November 29th - 3 pm - zoom
January 31st - 3 pm - zoom
March 20th - 3 pm - zoom
May 22nd - 3 pm - zoom
School site council members 

School site council members 

Principal/Designee: Anna Tyson 
Teacher Julie Reynon
Teacher Elizabeth Burdick 
Other Staff Stefanie Durant 
Teacher Alternate:
Parent/Community Member/Student
Parent/Community Member/Student:  
Parent/Community Member/Student
Parent/Community Member/Student:
Parent/Community Member/Student :