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Hillsdale Elementary

Home of The Huskies

Hillsdale Elementary

Home of The Huskies

Safety Precautions & Procedures

Face Coverings & Social Distancing

Face Coverings & Social Distancing

All Students must wear a facemask and maintain social distancing at all times!
The District and Hillsdale shall require the use of face coverings (“masks”) in accordance with federal, state, and local guidelines in effect. (
Teachers will teach students the proper use of PPE and proper social distancing behavior. They will make every attempt to remind and encourage students to follow these rules in order to keep everyone safe. 
Students will be moved to Cohort C if they refuse to wear a mask and/or refuse to follow social distancing guidelines unless they are exempt from wearing a face covering under California Department of Public Health guidelines. 
Hillsdale and Twin Rivers Unified School District will follow state and local guidance in effect for students who do not comply with safety protocols. Currently, this guideline is a parent and/or student who refuses to have a student comply with safety protocols (e.g. wearing masks and maintain social distancing), unless exempted from requirement, will be required to participate through distance learning rather than in-person, until such time that the student complies with the requirement or state/county guidelines change in relation to this requirement. Here are some resources to prepare your child for a return to school.
at home screener

at home screener

Please screen your child at home each morning prior to coming to campus. Keep your child at home for any COVID-like symptoms or close exposure to others with COVID 19
Signs of symptoms

Signs of symptoms

If a student develops or shows signs of COVID related symptoms, they will be moved to a designated area for isolation and parents will be contacted for immediate pick up. A trained staff member or nurse will monitor student and/or provide care (as needed.)
covid related symptoms:

covid related symptoms:

  • Fever (100.4 degrees F) or chills
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Cough
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Diarrhea
  • Sore throat
Safety precautions on campus

Safety precautions on campus

Over the past year, Hillsdale has made considerable changes to ensure the safety of all staff and students on campus. We have worked closely with the district office to ensure we are meeting all health and safety guidelines. 
As students come back to the classroom, they will notice desks and furniture have been removed and rearranged to ensure 6 feet of social distancing, touchless soap dispensers and faucets have been added to restrooms, and social distancing signage has been posted across the campus. 
Behind the scenes, sanitation, air filtration, and disinfecting procedures have been developed and/or adjusted to ensure proper cleaning of classrooms each day and that CDC guidelines are met.