What to Bring to School
Student Supplies and Textbooks
Student Supplies and Textbooks
Student Supplies and Textbooks
As your family prepares to return to campus, please keep in mind that students will not be sharing classroom supplies as we have in the past. Students will be provided a limited amount of essential supplies that will be stored in the classroom, separately from the other students' materials.
Your child's teacher will share specifics of what to bring to the classroom. Each child may be asked to bring:
- Their computer and charger. If so, students will need to make sure their Chromebooks are 100% charged and ready for school. We do not have extra Chromebooks or shared charging stations in the classroom.
- Textbooks
- Notebooks
Here is a checklist to help your family prepare: CDC: Back to School Planning for In-Classe
Snacks and Water bottles
Snacks and Water bottles
Snacks and Water bottles
- Due to safety protocols, students will not be permitted to eat in the classroom.
- All drinking fountains have been disabled. Water bottles are permitted so students should bring a full water bottle each day.